A5Storage::DataContainer::Open Method


A5Storage::DataContainer::Open as A5Storage::CallResult (BYREF Container as A5Sorage::DataContainer, ConnectionStringIn as C [, Passphrase as C])

A5Storage::DataContainer::Open as A5Storage::CallResult (BYREF Container as A5Sorage::DataContainer, NameCache as A5Storage::NameCache, ConnectionStringIn as C [, Passphrase as C])


BYREF ContainerA5Sorage::DataContainer


Defines a set of Storage container connection strings.


The connection string for the Storage container.


A passphrase used to decrypt the connection string. Only required if the connection string is encrypted.



Information about whether or not the operation succeed. Result.Success with be .T. if the operation succeeds, otherwise .F.


Open a connection to a storage location.

Example: Connect to a Storage Container

dim CallResult as CallResult
dim Container as A5Storage::DataContainer = null_value()

CallResult = A5Storage::DataContainer::Open(Container, "Provider='Disk';Container='c:\A5Webroot';")
if CallResult.Success
    ' etc
end if

Example: Connect to Multiple Storage Containers

dim CallResult as CallResult
dim Container as A5Storage::DataContainer = null_value()
dim Storages as C = <<%txt%
Storage1	Provider='Disk';Container='C:\A5WebRoot1';
Storage2	Provider='Disk';Container='C:\A5WebRoot2';

dim Cache as A5Storage::NameCache = new A5Storage::NameCache(Storages)

CallResult = A5Storage::DataContainer::Open(Container, Cache, "::Name::MyConnectionString")
if CallResult.Success
end if
The connection string passed into the example does have to be a named connection. If you pass a named connection, you must also provide a cache to look it up in.